Not much to update in this episode other than the busy work began in preparation for adding the 4-ring game play.
Since the overall scoring mechanism is working for both Level 1 and Level 2, I’ll just follow that pattern for the next two levels. And since the individual game play levels have a solid model to pattern, the next step is to set up the structure to accept two more game levels.
First step was to add the Level 3 and Level 3 buttons on the main launch screen, and add associated triggers.
Next step was to add two more Scenes to Story View to accept each of the next two game levels. Had to do a bit of rearranging in Story View because the Overall Scoring slide was sitting in Scene 4. I need Scene 4 for 4-ring game play and Scene 5 for 5-ring game play. That means I needed to add a sixth Scene and move the Overall Scoring to that last Scene. Finally, ensure triggers on the game level buttons on main launch slide are directed to their respective games.
Next, in Scene 4, 4-ring game play is to add the graphics and scoring reference variables. I copied over the graphics from 3-ring game play, inserted the 4th ring and adjusted positioning for all 4 rings (drag items). Once all objects are in their respective positions, it’s time to bring over the Base Layer triggers from 3-ring game play.
Remember, regardless of how many rings are in a game level, Ring 1 will always be the first object to move…and, Ring 1 can only go to one of two positions – Tower B position B5, or Tower C position C5. It’s the exact same triggers as both of the previous game levels and will be the same for Level 4 with 5 rings.
The important thing is to take the time here. Ensure all the triggers copied over that adjust a variable or a variable is part of a trigger’s condition, is updated to LV3 variable naming convention.
After all the objects are setup and the Base Layer is set up with its triggers, the rest is just busy work adding one layer at a time for each possible move. I was able to get a couple layers established before running out of time. Episode 19 will be a continuation of busy work!
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Episode 18 – Sep 07, 2017 – YOU ARE HERE