In review of Lesson I, we talked about the project and setting up the tools needed. In Lesson II, Part I we learned how to build the skin’s interface. In this lesson we’re going to have some fun building the buttons. It's a bit long, so sit back and take your time.We’ll be building all the graphic … [Read more...]
Servin’ up Silver!
How cool is this! The NuggetHead won the Silver Award for this year's 2010 Articulate Guru Awards! Back in August I wrote a quick post on Why I Entered the 2010 Articulate Guru Awards. I had my sights set on nothing more than hopefully being considered as an honorable mention. To win Silver and … [Read more...]
Why I entered the 2010 Articulate Guru Awards
Entering the 2010 Articulate Guru Awards this year was not in my sights initially. Right after the announcement back in May, I was asked by several folks if I was entering. First thought was "no," I'm too busy. Then just after our families summer vacation in July, I was encouraged again to … [Read more...]
Lesson II, Part I: Making your own Custom Articulate Player
In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to build the graphics for the skin of your player. The ‘skin’ of the player is all the look & feel pieces and parts of the final player. However, after deliberating with myself I asked, “Self, this should be two parts.” Due to the length of this post and … [Read more...]
Lesson I: Making your own Custom Articulate Player
To kick things off, a note on the words: “Player” and “Skin”. Some refer to it as the Articulate Presenter Community Player while others refer to it as a Skin. In my view, it really is both! The “Player” is all the mechanics, coding, and interactivity you develop, whereas the “Skin” is your custom … [Read more...]
My first stab at a custom Articulate Community Player
Updated: May 21, 2010 - Lesson I: Making Your Own Custom Articulate Player Actually, I started out with hopes of developing my own Articulate Engage Interaction. About half way into the SDK (Software Development Kit) documentation, I realized it was a bit over my head just yet. So I turned my … [Read more...]