Updated: May 21, 2010 – Lesson I: Making Your Own Custom Articulate Player
Actually, I started out with hopes of developing my own Articulate Engage Interaction. About half way into the SDK (Software Development Kit) documentation, I realized it was a bit over my head just yet. So I turned my attention to the building my own player instead.
Just about that time, I came across Dave Mozealous’ blog titled “How I created a custom Articulate Presenter skin in less than an hour.” First thought that came to mind was, “Yeah right, unless you’re a seasoned pro at programming!” I’m not new to Flash or HTML, but Dave’s article along with supporting Screenr screencasts inspired me to give it a try. Not to mention the huge kudos for answering all my questions!
Following his directions…walla! My first custom skin!
[iframe http://learnnuggets.com/resources/skin/player.html 490 320]
At first glance, this can easily be done in Flash with simple buttons, but it’s a real-live-honest-to-goodness Articulate player published right from PowerPoint! It’s nothing to write home to Mom about, but I am excited on several accounts:
- I did it!
- Anyone can do it!
- The possibilities are endless!
I’m a graphics guy so the literal term, “skin” to me is the exoskeleton or the outer graphical look and feel of the player. I can design a thousand skins, but I was more interested in the framework. The Player. The guts!
I know myself well enough to know that if I understand what’s going on under the hood – the code and how it all stitches together and communicates, the rest is gravy.
This is a VERY basic custom player. Many of the default Articulate player attributes and functions have been turned off. Ya’know…crawl, walk, then run. Now that I have the basic infrastructure in place, I’ll be using this player (v.1) as a foundation to build onto. Here is my unofficial plan (in no particular order):
- Seekbar
- Zoom toggle widget
- Menu
- Tab bar
- Tool bar
- Logo panel
- Audio volume slider
Not to rewrite Dave’s article, but I want to chronicle my own development process. Stay tuned for a tutorial series on how I put mine together:
- The tools and setting up the project
- The skin: Designing and building the grapics
- The coding: ActionScript and XML
- The package and publishing: File management and the .artpkg file extension
Until then, give Dave’s article a try!
Updated: May 21, 2010 – Lesson I: Making Your Own Custom Articulate Player
Dave Mozealous says
Kevin the skin looks fantastic! Way better looking than mine. Congrats on getting this finished and it was a pleasure helping you out on this.
Kevin says
Thanks Dave! If not for your patience with all my questions, I’d still be scratching my head. As for the way it looks – that stuff comes natural to me like coding is for you 🙂 Stay tuned…in the next series, I’m going to write a tutorial on how to build all the graphic assets used in this player. With your coding knowledge and some NuggetHead graphics, we should build a player with all the pieces and parts!
Jim DiSorbo says
Hey, that is great. I look forward to your series.
Kevin says
Thanks Jim! I hope the series measures up and will be helpful for others to follow. Should have the first chapter up in a few days
onEnterFrame says
Wow it looks great!
Super job Kevin.
Kevin says
Thanks James! Studying on the seekbar now. Got any tips?
Jenise Cook says
Wow, you two did a great collaboration job, and Kevin, kudos to you for diving in!
I’m very impressed!
Kevin says
Thanks Jenise! I must admint it wasn’t much of a collaboration as it was student/teacher. Dave kick-started me with his article and then entertained a couple weeks worth of my questions 🙂