This sketch has been sitting in a sketchbook for over a year and half looking for a purpose. These little panel toons are fun because they can be re-purposed with just about any caption. And because it's Super Bowl Sunday, I thought I'd give it some color. Chicago Bears colors of … [Read more...]
Sunday Sketch
Every Sunday around here is that kick back and relax kind of days. It's a time to reflect on the previous week, and think and plan about the coming week. It's also the day I sketch the most. Meet Gorlon. I draw or sketch daily as it is, but Sundays tend to get more time devoted to it. Some … [Read more...]
Step 4: #Sketchnotes: Headers, Titles, Captions, and Speech Bubbles
Let’s face it; notes are notes because of the text. Sketchnote text is…well, your handwriting. Duh. Again, there are no rules to Sketchnoting. These are just tips and techniques I’ve come across or developed over the years. The rule I pose on myself for the two are: Text: headers, titles, … [Read more...]
Step 3: #Sketchnotes: Characters and Locations
Sketchontes are inherently about letting, borders, arrows, visual concepts, and other adornments. I've seen many well-drawn and formatted sketchnotes that did not have a single character. So why am I dedicating a weekly post to just characters and locations? Because this is my favorite part of … [Read more...]
Step 2: Preparing #Sketchnotes for Format, Flow, and Materials
This next step in the Sketchnote School series is a continuation from last week about preparing to sketchnote. You may be saying to yourself, “Self, isn’t preparing and format the same thing?” Well, yes…sort of. Format in this context is more about how your sketchonte reads rather than the physical … [Read more...]
Step 1: Preparing to #Sketchnote: Live Sketching or Post-Sketching?
Last week was an introduction to the series, Sketchnote School: 6 Steps to Great Conference Sketchnotes. There are a lot of pieces and parts to Sketchnoting that we’ll cover in the coming weeks. This week is the choice between sketching live in real time or saving some time later in the day for … [Read more...]