I first heard of this term this morning. After it was explained to me it made perfect sense! As with many corporate elearning initiatives, many projects sit on the shelf due to lack of funding for custom development or lack of resources due to other priorities. We're not alone. … [Read more...]
Be Here Now
A few months back I was attending a meeting where our company's VP of HR was addressing us on staying focused. He talked about or strategic focus and how all our department projects roll up into the overall strategy. Same corporate speak I've head before, but this time he introduced a phrase; "Be … [Read more...]
The “Z” effect
One of the most challenging questions in the eLearning industry is, “How do I get my learners to comprehend what’s in my course?” More so, “How do I get them to change their behavior that impacts a measurable performance increase?” I don’t know if we’ll ever answer those questions with concrete … [Read more...]
What eLearning development model?
For past two years I've been trying to put some kind of eLearning development model into place. Over those same two years my efforts have been thwarted because of the enormously fast-paced environment we live the majority of our days awake. Not that we don't like processes, we are an extremely … [Read more...]
The BIG Question – Learn to eLearn
This month's ASTD Learn Circuits The Big Question refers to a recent post graduate of an Instructional Design program. This student is seeking advice on how to build or author their first elearning and what tools to use. So, the BIG question is: How do I learn to elearn? As a developer of … [Read more...]