I first heard of this term this morning. After it was explained to me it made perfect sense!
As with many corporate elearning initiatives, many projects sit on the shelf due to lack of funding for custom development or lack of resources due to other priorities. We’re not alone.
However, in the world of corporate workplace learning and plugging into the city’s network of others in the same situation, I’m able to keep my finger on the proverbial pulse if you will. We all converge at the University of Memphis once a month to talk about elearning. The professor over the Instructional Design & Technologies graduate program facilitates this venue.
Last month I received an email from the professor asking if we’d be interested in submitting a proposal of a an elearning project that his graduate students would put together. Hello? Does a bear….nevermind.
I submitted a proposal of one of those “shelved” projects among several other local companies and businesses who submitted their proposals. Not sure how many the students had to choose from, but all I know is mine was one of those selected!
I met the project team of three grad students this morning. During our meeting they mentioned they would provide us with “15/5′” or “Fifteen/Five” updates. Huh?
The term comes from their professor. It means they are to provide updates that takes no longer than 15 minutes to write and no more than 5 minutes for the user to read. Tada! That’s it!
That’s the secret to blog posting! Well, mine at least. I must admit I struggle with what to write about and over think it too much which then leads to not posting on a timely basis.
So, with my new found secret term every time I think of a topic to write about, I’ll immediately think of “Fifteen/Five.”
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