If you're at all involved in on-line surfing, blogging, text messaging, or social spaces you've heard the term "Web 2.0" coined by Tim O'Reilly. I work in the world of eLearning as an LMS Administrator and eLearning development consultant. I have two digital natives living at home; 19 year old and … [Read more...]
Web 2.0 – an observation
Continuing a thought(s) on Web 2.0 I see this paradigm shift in the Millennium generation as two-fold. First, it is about being connected 24/7, but I see it extending further into their ('their' being those young people parents don't understand) real world. The new coined phrase of "Social … [Read more...]
Web 2.0 Summer Institute
I attended the Web 2.0 Summer Institute hosted by TBR (Tennessee Board of Regions) at the University of Memphis' FedEx Institute of Technology this week. Due to work constraints I was only able to attend the morning keynote speakers: Barry Dahl - Vice President of Technology and Virtual Campus, … [Read more...]