It was Tuesday night at Buddy Guy’s Legends in Chicago, IL on September 23rd. Many of us who were attending Training Magazine’s Online Learning Conference were there enjoying great music, food, and of course good friends. The night was winding down and if you know me well enough you know I start experiencing withdrawal symptoms if I don’t draw or sketch something.
The Hyatt Regency was the conference hotel most of us were staying, and there was a pad of paper on the table with its logo. I don’t recall the origin of the Jane-o-Lantern idea exactly, but it all came together at that moment – an unsecured pad of paper, Jane Bozarth sitting next to me, and the South Park inspired Jane-o-Lantern fell out of my pen.
This was random. Or should I say one of those times Jane tosses a subliminal idea my way where she knows I can’t resist. Seriously, it’s more about “sharing not just what we do but how we get things done,” from Jane’s recent book, Show Your Work.
As a creative type, I can sketch ideas out pretty quickly. Polishing them, however, often goes through a trial and error process until it looks right. Not counting the 3 minute sketch, this video shows the work over 2 hours down to 2 minutes.
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