As many know, Girl Scout cookies are the bomb! Their unique flavor and distinct little boxes are bar none to any cookie on the market. My favorite are the Samoas, but the Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties are a very close second.
The one thing even better than having your favorite Girl Scout cookie is having your favorite Girl Scout Cookie in the off season. That’s right, if you don’t stock up when they come knocking at your door you have to wait a year for another chance. You can’t ask your co-worker if they still have an order sheet lying around, and you don’t see any makeshift concession stands out front of your local grocery anymore. Not for another year!
The strategy here is to buy a year’s supply of these tasty little morsels. Cookie sales vary throughout the year in different parts of the county and in my neck of the woods that’s late ‘winterish’ time. I buy a few extra boxes and tuck away one in my drawer at work for mid summer. At home, we stash a few boxes in the pantry for late summer and Fall. There’s something about munching on a Peanut Butter Patty in front of co-workers knowing I may be the only one in the office with a Girl Scout cookie!
We’re still working through the first batch and I was taught a very important lesson recently. Our normal routine in the morning is gathering in the kitchen preparing the day’s lunches. I make coffee, my wife sorts through the available ingredients, and my step-daughter, Lauren is busy organizing her morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack.
One morning Lauren says to me, “Would you like a Samoa?” My response to her was, “Um..Duh! Of course I would. Thanks for asking.” She asked if I would like two or three and I said I would just like two. As she put two in a little baggy for me she asked in a very persuasive voice, “Wouldn’t you like three?” At first I was catching on to her game because if I chose three cookies, she would assume it would be OK for her to have three also. I said, “No thanks. Two is fine.” What happened next made me laugh the rest of the day…
After that last response, she formed a rather pitiful sad look on her face and then all of a sudden got stern with me. “You NEED three cookies today. See, there are 12 left. If you have three today and I have three today, that leaves six left. That means we can both have three more tomorrow.” I was impressed that she was planning so far ahead in assisting me in my lunchtime desert, but I had to challenge her. “Yes, but if you and I both only have two today, there will be eight cookies left and we’ll have enough for two more days in our lunches. She would have nothing to do with that math because what she said next made everything clear…
“We need to hurry up and finish this box! We can’t open another box until this one is finsihed and I want a Thin Mint!” (must be a rule my wife imposed)
Well then. Appealing to her quest to get a Thin Mint, I agreed and had no choice but to accept three Samoa’s that day.
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